.. _quickstart: Quickstart Examples =================== Creating and running basis Process ------------------------------------ A Plumpy process can be create and run with: 1. Copy and paste the following code block into a new file called ``helloWorld.py``: .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/process_helloworld.py 2. run the process:: (venv) $ python helloWorld.py Process can wait, pause, play and resume ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The example below shows how process state transition with different action: .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/process_wait_and_resume.py Remote controled process ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ process start. script to kill that process Creating and running basis WorkChain -------------------------------------- The WorkChain is a special process that can strung different small function together into a independent process. See the example below: .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/workchain_simple.py