
This document describes how to prepare for and install plumpy. Note that plumpy better requires that the user use the package inside of a Python virtualenv. Instructions for installing and creating a Python virtual environment are provided below.

Preparing Your Python Runtime Environment

Plumpy currently requires a virtualenv to be active to install.

If not already present, please install the latest Python virtualenv using pip:

$ sudo pip install virtualenv

And create a virtual environment called venv in your home directory:

$ virtualenv ~/venv

Now that you’ve created your virtualenv, activate your virtual environment:

$ source ~/venv/bin/activate

Basic Installation

$ pip install plumpy

Now you’re ready to run your first plumpy process and workchain!

Building from Source

If developing with plumpy, you will need to build from source. This allows changes you make to plumpy to be reflected immediately in your runtime environment.

First, clone the source:

$ git clone

Then, create and activate a virtualenv:

$ virtualenv venv
$ . venv/bin/activate
$ pip install "plumpy[dev,docs]"